Capcom Fighting All Stars Ps2 Iso Torrent
Capcom Fighting All-Stars was a 3D fighting game planned for the arcade and PlayStation 2 that was to be developed by Capcom. Like King of Fighters Maximum Impact, it was designed to translate a 2D fighting game series into 3D. This was done previously in the Street Fighter EX series, by Arika, but not directly by Capcom.Capcom Fighting All-Stars attempted to utilize modern console graphics with characters from Street Fighter and other Capcom series, much like the Marvel vs. Capcom series. Capcom beta-tested the game, but after negative feedback from players and more months in development, the game was canceled in August 2003. While the game never received an official release, the idea of Capcom’s own characters in a crossover game would be instead used in a 2D fighting game, Capcom Fighting Evolution, released in 2005. One of the original characters slated to debut in All-Stars, Ingrid, would appear in Evolution and later on in the PSP port of Street Fighter Alpha 3.
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[Info from Wikipedia] Images. 6 thoughts on “ Capcom Fighting All-Stars [PS2/Arcade – Cancelled]” • Krux the mouse the 3 original characters were going to defuse a bomb for mike haggar and they all had special Symbols and nicknames Ingrid was Eternal ray Rook was Rebellion D.D. Was Crimson Thunder Ingrid’s symbol was her hair plates Rook’s symbol was his tattoo D.D. Had a symbol on his back While Ingrid made it to 2 other capcom games Capcom fighting jam/evolution and Street fighter alpha 3 max D.D.
Dvd collection database. And rook were not liked well by fans because they were too flamboyant/gay looking and the 3 characters designs are really just capcom versions of snk characters Ingrid = Athena D.D. = K dash Rook = Benimaru This game was called capcom all-stars because it had all the big star characters people liked. And the game was canceled because it did not do well with Location tests Some fan favorites that do not apper in most games that were in Capcom All stars were Charlie Nash,Strider Hiryu,Mike haggar akira from rival schools.
Capcom Fighting All-Stars: Code Holder was a 3D fighting game planned for the arcade and PlayStation 2 that was to be developed by Capcom. Like SNK's KOF: Maximum Impact games, it was designed to translate a 2D fighting game series into 3D.
I wish they would put Ingrid,D.D. And Rook as Secret characters in Super street fighter IV or a future fighting game. • Vetus A wish that will never come true: to see Capcom Fighting All-Stars (CFAS) being released, even a rom of the beta version. But nooooooooo.
Capcom prefered to released this abomination called Capcom Fighting Jam (CFJ) instead. And since they said that CFAS was canceled because of its negative feedback from the beta-testers why they thought it was a good idea to released at its place a downgraded version of this game that nobody cared about (even die-hard fans of Capcom)? It would be much easier to just improve CFAS. Besides, I have heard about some critically acclaimed games which they have many negative feedbacks at their beta versions (I can’t remember which games were they but one-two of them were Nintendo games if I’m not mistaken).