Eyewash Station Inspection Template
The eyewash station is free of obstruction. Marvel ultimate alliance wii ntsc iso torrent.
BENEFITS Workers’ eyes are vulnerable to various hazards on the job, such as dust, pieces of material shooting out of equipment and splashes of hazardous substances. Although you should take steps to protect workers from getting anything in their eyes, something could still happen. In that event, it’s critical the worker acts quickly and flushes out his eyes. That’s why you should have emergency eyewash stations and conduct regular inspections to ensure that they’ll work properly when needed. HOW TO USE THE TOOL Adapt this checklist, which is modeled on one from Concordia University, for the requirements in your jurisdiction on eyewash stations and the instructions from the station’s manufacturer. Ensure that a competent person uses the checklist to conduct regular, such as weekly, inspections of your eyewash stations.

Correct any issues or problems identified during the inspection. OTHER RESOURCES.