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• Let your voice be heard! You can post, reply, and share whatever is on your mind. • Ads are removed, almost completely ad free browsing. If you are having any issues, shoot us an email,. As always, have fun and enjoy your stay! - MPGH Staff.
This site is archived directly from our GMS database - with Big Bang patch changes already made to the character skills reverted to their original forms. We have received requests from EMS players for this archive as most of the things found in the pre-Big Bang universe can be applied to them as well.
And so, here it is. It's likely that this site will not be updated (except for corrections, drop additions, etc) with new EMS-related content as we simply do not have the manpower and means to do so.
As usual, we can be contacted. After migrating to our new dynamic database from our static site, our old section was closed indefinitely as we were busy concentrating on other parts of the database. Behold a pale horse 1964 torrent. We know many of you have requested us in the past to re-release it, but there was always something that interfered with our plans: real life commitments, new major MapleStory patches that require a significant amount of time for all of us at Hidden Street to update.
In case you don't know, you can also navigate to our left sidebar, click on 'Cash Shop', followed by 'Beauty Parlor'. Not every single hairstyle is currently in the database, so should you know of any that we're missing, feel free to point out to us through our or through our Contact form above. Hope you guys would find it useful! As both JonLoh and I have been incredibly busy with our personal lives, we've decided to hand over the management of the HS.MapleSEA database to both darkiller and Icemager, two loyal Database Moderators who have been with us since the inception of our dynamic database from a static one. While the both of us will still manage the back-end of the database, for the most part, the reigns of the HS.MapleSEA database are hereby passed on to both darkiller and Icemager, who will now lead the team of HS.MapleSEA Database Moderators and other major updates of the database.