Rocksmith 2014 All Updates And Unlocked Profile And Over 400
Ubisoft is apparently too incompetent to do it for us or to fix the bug that causes them to disapear. I don't want to lose 40, 50 or 100 hours of playing again and have to repeat all the same lessons and songs again. This is waht they told me when I complained after over a week of waiting for answer: 'Could you please confirm if your problem persist?' 'Ubisoft apologizes for to inform you that we cannot recover lost save data for the games. Thank you for reporting this issue. I have sent this along through the appropriate channels for processing. If this issue is resolved, the solution will appear on the support section of our website' No help, no solutions, nothing.
'You're screwed, you lost 40 hours of playing, we won't help at all, we don't care.' Is there a way to manually backup without backing up the whole game dir? Rocksmith 2014 app ID is 221680, therefore chances are the profile is stored locally here [path where you installed Steam] userdata [your account number] 221680 e.g. D: Steam userdata 123480 By the way, I used similar thing for the first Rocksmith, in that case the app ID was 205190, I used to make a copy and then restore previous version for exercising exhibition till I was able to unlock the hidden songs;) Be aware that whenever you change the files in such locations and launch the game, Steam will warn you that cloud and local folders are not aligned and then asks you to decide if you want to upload your local files or download from the cloud and overwrite them.
May 13, 2018 - DescriptionRocksmith 2014 with all updates and all released DLC including Rocksmith 2012 songs on Disc and DLC including over 400.

• • (In case of subreddit takedown) • • 1. Submissions must be related to the discussion of digital piracy. Spam, trading, selling, and blatant self-promotion posts are forbidden. Do not request or link to pirated/copyrighted content. Redundant questions that have been previously answered will be removed.
Do not message moderators for help with your issues. Either message the mod team if relevant, or make a post on the sub as normal. Browse by filters: Related Subreddits • • • • • • •. Iconics genesis 32 crack download. Why wouldn't I be able to? I still have the old version.
I found this site on a post, it has new DLCs uploaded and they can be played on the non-Remastered version, the Remastered version is also uploaded but not cracked. Also my cracked version is offline and doesn't get any updates or stuff, seeing your comment I guess you are using something to bypass authenication or something on uplay. Download this It is a very old version, however as far as I know Rocksmith does not get updates, only new DLCs, you can download them from here (The song pack torrents), but a few new ones are missing which you can download from the site I sent earlier in the post.
I have legit access to the remastered version, but Steam corrupts my savegame so often that I use a pirated version to play, anyway. I tried playing daily with each one for 2 weeks, and the difference in savegame corruption was very obvious. I got my Steam rocksmith by buying a used gift code. And 2 of the $30 cables so my wife played.
So I think I'm pretty legit in asking how to apply the Remastered stuff back onto the standalone version. I don't like being dependent on Steam for things.