G540 Programmer Drivers
GENIUS G540 PROGRAMMER DRIVERS FOR WINDOWS 7 - All 1 Good 1 Bad 0 Images 1 Overall: Thank you very much! Works on 32 bit but not on 64 bit machine. Please note that in case the damage is caused.
Buying a G540 programmer I have been collecting old EPROM chips for many years. Now I was curious what data these hold exactly. I am not looking for program data but more for character maps, hidden “Easter eggs”. Something like this Hack a day post. So I went to ebay an bought one of this widespread available “Genius G540 ” EPROM programmers.
It came in a cardboard box and this were the contents Content of the Box: programmer, USB cable, QC card and a CD-R with the software on it The programmer: The built quality is surprisingly high. A flawless injection molded case and a good 3M-branded ZIF socket. Back of the programmer: Note the misspelled url Of course I could not resist and opened the programmer. The PCB looks well build too back of the PCB detail of the PCB Too bad I noticed the seal of warranty only after screwing the programmer back together. Now to the software installation process. Bs en 1090-2 pdf download.
I refrained from using the drivers from the CD-R and instead downloaded them from the stg51 website The installation instruction is awful but it gets to the point and I had no problem installing the software. There were even (unsigned of course) x64 drivers for Windows. The installation guide. Awful English, even worse than my English;-) Testing the programmer (reading an EPROM) To test the programmer I picked an 512 kbit EPROM from an Auerswald PBX.
By clicking on select in the toolbar (3rd icon) this dialog shows up After confirming the chip by clicking “OK” this dialog with addition information is displayed telling you how to insert the chip I did as I was told and pressed the “read” button in the tool bar (4th from the right). The LED on the programmer started to blink and the progress bar showed the progress. After reading the EPROM the window is empty but the contents of the EPROM are in the program cache. So you need to press the “Save” button in the toolbar. I selected a binary format. Opening the binary file in Notepad2: looks good — • on hidden photographs in old Mac ROM chips • • on the stg51 website Post navigation.