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Souq Leguang LG-N New Mbps Long Range Outdoor USB Wifi Adapter 5m Antenna UAE Update your profile Let us wish you leguang lg-n100 happy lg-n00 Packing details Shipping Weight: See all 14 reviews. You can get the leguang lg-n100 amount to reach the Free shipping threshold by adding any eligible item to your cart. Your Recently Viewed Items. Does this Long Range Antennawork with Windows 10? The Leguang lg-n100 Wireless Adapter adopts distance coverage technology, with built-in high gain antenna easily advances your distance and performance. Your Mobile number has been verified! Sort by Default Default.
(Note: have already sent an email to Johnsons, but am not sure if I will get a response in time - not that I particularly want to send it back as it is in 'new condition' and reasonably sharp in the few tests done yesterday) K-3 II, K-3 and K-30 (now running the Hacked K-50 f/w, so it thinks it is one of those ), & some Sigma and Pentax lenses (and a lot of old 35mm gear!) - and now a K-70 from SRS. Pentax serial number database. Is there anyway/anywhere I can check if the serial number in question denotes a genuine import but I might want to consider returning the lens under the 7 day period of the Distance Selling Regs if it is not? John Thanks - but it is difficult to tell exactly how good/poor the lens actually is from the few shots made so far.
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