Soal Uas Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Sd Semester 1 2017
Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris SD kelas 6 semester 1 by Emin_DeathBat__3690 in Types > School Work and soal bahasa inggris sd kelas 6 semester 1.
Test Online: Ujian Akhir Sekolah Jumlah Soal: 35 soal Waktu: 120 menit Mulai: Selesai: Sisa: Kelas: 6, Ujian Akhir Sekolah (Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2007) On Sunday Ani doesn't go to school. She goes to market with her mother. She wants to buy some vegetables such as cabbage, carrot and potatoes. Then she goes to the fishmonger to buy some goldfish and cuttlefish.
In the market is very crowded. The appropriate tittle for the text above is. Going to the market B. Going to the hospital C. Going to the zoo D. Going to the restaurant 2. Go to market A.
Rukovodstvo command 25 mercedes convertible. Persons under this sign are brisk walkers. They are impatient in nature and are usually short tempered.
Ani and her sister B. Ani and her brother C. Ani and her mother D. Ani and her father 3. She buys some. At the fishmonger. Goldfish and crab B.
Goldfish and cuttlefish C. Goldfish and potatoes D. Carrot and goldfish 4. Anis goes to market on. The situation in the market is very. Ade: Where are you sleeping? Andri: I sleep in the.
Living room B. I want to take a bath, I need a. To wash my body. Toothpaste C. She wants to make a line. Blackboard D.

Student: 'I am. Sir, I come late.' Teacher: 'That's ok, please sit down.'
Thank you 10. You close the door?' Ari: 'Oh sure. I'll close it.' Nita: 'Thank you.' Ari: 'You're welcome.' Hasan is my aunt's husband, he is my.
Grandfather C. Grandmother 12. Tono: Excuse me, Sir, where do you live? Yamin: I live. Waiter: 'Hello, good afternoon, may I help you?'
Customer: 'Good afternoon. Yes, I want to order some food.' Waiter: 'What do you want to order, Sir?' Customer: 'I want a plate of fried rice and fried chicken.'
Waiter: 'Wait minute, Sir.' Customer: 'Sure.' The conversation above take place in the. Restaurant C. Want - see - I - to - movie - film - the - a - in.
The right arrangement is. I want to see a film in the movie B. I see want a film in the movie C.
I want to see movie in a film D. I want a film to see in the movie 15. Don't forget to stuck a.
On the envelope. Register letter D. A hole on the top of the mountain is called. I want to buy spine candy.
She often goes to the closet. She need an oralite.
Stomachache 19. Is a place for tourists to stay when they spend a holiday. Post office B. I like a slice of. I'll put some jam and cheese on it.
Fried Rice C. It is a name of vegetable. The color is purple.
Ari has seven marbles, Rudi has three marbles. What time is it. It is a quarter to nine B.
It is a quarter past nine C. It is quarter past nine D. It is nine past quarter 24. Today is Tuesday. We are celebrating Kartini's day on.
August 17 th B. October 5 th D. April 21 st 26. He learns about geography and economics in. Mathematics B. Social science 27.
My Father is a. He can fly an airplane.
Carpenter 28. My classroom is clean, but your classroom is.
Beautiful 29. C-s-h-o-l-o-u-g-a-r-d The right arrangement is. Schoolguard B. Guardschool C. Schoolgaurd D.
Carpenter 30. Every morning, before going to school. Breakfast 31.
Tomorrow I will go to Jakarta. From station. The beautiful beach in Sukabumi is. Pangandaran B. Pelabuhan Ratu 33. Arman is a farmer.
He works in the. Post office B. Rice field C. The colour is pink. My mother wears a. On her finger. Hat Copyright © 1999-2008,, All rights reserved.
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